What a purrrfect gift for any cat lover! A beautifully hand painted Cat Portrait!
Commission a custom pet portrait of your special pets. My main goal is to be able to capture the true character and personality of your beloved pet in your custom portrait. They make wonderful and affordable gifts, ideal for Birthdays, Christmas and other special occasions.
Here is how the process works!
1. Select the photo or photos that you would like me to use to create your custom portrait.
2. Send me your photo(s) via Etsy or email and a message sharing any ideas you may have (cropping, background, color, etc...)
3. Decide on the size you would like.
4. Choose any item from my shop to place the order. You'll just need to select the size you would like from the scroll bar before adding to basket
5. I will contact you when I begin work on your portrait!
6. Once your portrait is finished I will send you a photo of your portrait for your approval (changes can be made).
7. Your work of art gets shipped to your home!
Just send me a message if you have any questions, and email me your photo to: sketch143 [!at] hotmail.com or to your Etsy message.
9-10 weeks
Buyers are responsible for any customs and import taxes that may apply. I'm not responsible for delays due to customs.
Jan 20, 2023
The painting is very high quality, beautiful, and really captured the spirit of our cat. Mellissa was great to communicate with and worked with me to identify the best options for the background. I would definitely order a custom painting from her again!
Oct 1, 2021
Exquisite… what more can I say. Melissa is so talented and she captured the essence of our dear, Marcelle. What a beautiful portrait… thank you Melissa!
Sep 17, 2021
I requested a memorial portrait for my cat Percie and Melissa’s painting exceeded all expectations! She messaged me immediately to let me know there was a bit of a wait, then sent me a photo of the painting for my approval before shipping. Shipping was quite fast considering it came from another country. When it arrived my partner and I were immediately in tears. It’s SO perfect. She captured Percie exactly as she was, down to every whisker. We sadly had to leave Percie’s urn with my parents in my home country when we moved so having this painting is extra special. Melissa, thank you SO much. This painting means the world to me and those who loved little Percie.